
 Well what an experience! We were on our way to Taupo, and 9km out found a stop for a Geothermal walk and campsite. So we went on the walk for 10$ each, and then were talking to John who runs the place and he was telling us about WWOOFing (World Wide Opportunites on Organic Farms) and how you work for your keep and food. Then he said that they do it here, if we do a few hours work we can have the pitch and breakfast for free. Well why the hell not?! So Will was on chain sawing wood duties and Stacey was on general garden tidy up! It was actually good fun for a few hours, doing a bit of manual labour in the sun, and it made that cold beer all the more refreshing (and well deserved) at the end!

We debating staying another night and doing some more work the next morning, but we were feeling a bit stiff!

The next morning though John let us feed the lamb, and it was very hungry!

Then we made our way into Taupo and saw the falls and then went and relaxed in some natural hot pools which were free! This was in Otumuheke Spa Park.


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