A Stopover in Slovenia

As we made our way to Croatia in order to avoid spending too many days in the Schengen area, we had one night in Slovenia. When we looked into wild camping in Slovenia it says it was illegal, and fines can be given, so we decided that to play it safe we would stay at a vineyard campsite. And what a great idea it was!

Enjoying the swing, cause I'm a big child!
What a beautiful spot it was too!

We stayed at the beautiful Rouna vineyard, just on the outskirts of a town called Vipava, and for only €12! We did decide though to indulge in their wine tasting with meats and cheese. All wines obviously from their vineyard, meats also their own, and all local cheeses. They laid it all out so beautifully and we were joined by 3 other couples. 2 of which were from Switzerland and the others from Germany. There was also a couple from Spain who were staying at the vineyard, but they didn’t join us for the wine tasting. 

The clouds coming it, but still scenic!

We always try (if budget allows), to eat out once in each country to get to try the local cuisine and soak up the atmosphere. So here is Slovenia, we felt that for €15 each to enjoy local wine, cheese and meats it really was a blessing.

After the wine tasting, we got everyone at the campsite to play Sequence with us, whilst all enjoying more wine, and some homemade Wodka from the Germans! If you don’t already know what Sequence is then you should definitely go out and buy it, EVERYONE we have shown it to on our travels has loved it, and most have ended up going out and buying themselves, or even making their own board! We feel we should become sales reps for the game!!

This was the most people we had playing Sequence (10)!

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